(Writing and photos by Nick Routledge)

Part Two: Harvesting lunch. A stopover at local cafe on the way to the Kapuler’s home for lunch to check out an exhibit of ‘Shrume’s art. Luncheon. Checking out the seedroom. Travelling-home.
- Back to Part I: the morning with the Kapulers.
- The Kapuler Papers: Mushroom’s recent papers.

Stopping in at one of two local cafes currently showing ‘Shrume’s art.

Into the seed room, home to between 10,000 and 15,000 different varieties of plants. .

‘Shrume’s major breeding focii just now are tomatoes, peas, marigolds and brassicas although his breeding activities have spanned an enormous range of foodplants. Among his major breeding successes can be listed: Nutribud broccol; Supreme Mix and China Cat mix sunflowers; Sugaree, Opal Creek and Green Beauty vine peas; Domatsu Snap pole and Gaia Snap bush beans; Rainbow Inca Sweet, Painted Mountain Sweet, Double Red Sweet, Martian Jewels Sweet, and Red Miracle Sweet corns; Golden Sar, Apakler, Red Metamorph, Frances’ Choice, China Cat Mix and La Ribera marigolds; Newberg onions; Red Centiflor, Red Clusterpear and Yellow Centiflor tomatoes.

Among the stacks in the Kapuler’s voluminous botanical library.

Nick is returned to the back of the truck, with trophies for the ride home.
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